Bound By Fire

What started as a fun challenge between friends has become a fully-fledged novel. For their debut book, Bound by Fire, Eleanor Douglas-Meyers and Faziela Harris-Davids challenged themselves to co-author a book despite not meeting in person, until the manuscript was finalised. 

The duo formed a strong bond during the Covid19 pandemic and found out that apart from a love of art, mindfulness and K-pop they both had a dream of writing a book.

Based in the Eastern and Western Cape respectively they became friends while communicating over the internet, and used this as the base of their book. They also slipped in their other passions including their support for the K-pop group Stray Kids.

The book follows two young South African women who meet as roommates at University. After a falling out, they end up on different sides of the world and communicate through email.

The unlikely pair are each looking for a connection to their families, one in a physical sense and the other in an emotional one.

While Jen, a free spirit with a heart for charity work tries to find independence from her wealthy overbearing parents, Zin, orphaned in infanthood, tries to locate her family.

Zin's search becomes even more important as she comes to terms with magical powers which can only be explained through her heritage.

Jen on the other hand finds herself bound to Zin through these powers, grappling with the question,  "Just how deeply are we Bound by Fire?".

Touching on love, self-discovery, mystery and magic, Bound by Fire is a light read for those looking for a little escapism.


  1. I would like a print copy of the book please :-) Rushda Behardien,


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